
Showing posts from February, 2025

Push, stretch limits - A phrase used to misuse | Learn advanced English vocabulary

All certain time periods are marked by the love for a particular word or phrase, such as rizz, swag, etc. Phrases with limits  have also drawn so much love from people that they have begun to use limits  as they wish. Basically the phrases with limits generally mean to go beyond the conventional restraints and find one's true potential. This blog will explore correct phrases with grammar for the said meaning. 1. push the limit/ stretch the limit push the boundaries (of) It can also be in the plural ( push/stretch the limits , not simply limits .) Recently, people have come up with their own equivalent version: push one's limits . Meaning: Either the doer, action, or result has a limit on what is possible. However, by pushing the limit even further, it refers to going beyond what is thought to be possible (to try to do a bit more than what's allowed, pushing oneself to his/her physical or mental limits) I don't think the deadline is sufficient. However, I am pushing the ...

Feel bad for OR about | Learn advanced English grammar

"Feel Bad" is a common expression. When collocated with "for," it conveys a meaning of commiseration and sympathy. The object after "for" is typically a person. Example: He tried hard but lost again. I feel bad for him. When collocated with "about," it conveys a variety of meanings, mostly related to one's negative feelings toward someone or something. Example: He dumped his new girlfriend too. I truly feel bad about him. (Here, the focus is on his actions, not sympathy for him. If you mean sympathy for the girlfriend, you would say, "I feel bad for her.") Different Meanings of "Feel Bad About" 1. Negative feelings toward someone for something bad they did to you or someone else. This phrase often includes the act after "about." Example: I feel bad about what he did to his loving girlfriend. He cheated on her. 2. Expressing regret or remorse for one's own actions. Here, "about" is used to talk about...