Feel bad for OR about | Learn advanced English grammar

"Feel Bad" is a common expression. When collocated with "for," it conveys a meaning of commiseration and sympathy. The object after "for" is typically a person. Example: He tried hard but lost again. I feel bad for him. When collocated with "about," it conveys a variety of meanings, mostly related to one's negative feelings toward someone or something. Example: He dumped his new girlfriend too. I truly feel bad about him. (Here, the focus is on his actions, not sympathy for him. If you mean sympathy for the girlfriend, you would say, "I feel bad for her.") Different Meanings of "Feel Bad About" 1. Negative feelings toward someone for something bad they did to you or someone else. This phrase often includes the act after "about." Example: I feel bad about what he did to his loving girlfriend. He cheated on her. 2. Expressing regret or remorse for one's own actions. Here, "about" is used to talk about...