English Vocabulary Related to Nature

Whether you are writing an essay or speaking on a topic, having good vocabulary of the topic is all the more important. Nature is one of the most common topics discussed widely nowadays, especially in professional contexts, needless to say school essays. Questions about the topic might come from different angles confusing you. Whatever the topic, if you have vocabulary, you are safe. Remember that using the right article with nouns is important. The terms listed below are arranged to that end. The nouns below will be in the small letters if they are common nouns and in the capital letters if they are proper nouns. The nouns below will take no article if they are uncountable nouns, a/an with countable nouns, the or be in the plurals if they are only used in that way generally. English Vocabulary Related To NATURE nature the surroundings the environment the soil a habitat an ecosystem biodiversity land the earth the sea the air the atmosphere exploitation pollution afforestation deforest...