Different Uses of SO THAT

What is the real meaning of SO THAT in a sentence? SO THAT can assume different meanings with respect to its position and the perspective of the writer. Mainly, it has three uses. 1. So that = if that is the case; to what purpose or end; in order that Here the clause after SO THAT answers WHY. Can you budge a little so that I too can sit here. I put on a hairband so that my hair won't fall on the face. In this usage, THAT is optional. Can you budge a little so I too can sit here. However, in the above-mentioned sentence, you should not mistake SO for the coordinating conjunction SO, which means "therefore." 2. So that = in such a way that; to what style In this usage, THAT is actually an elaboration on the introductory SO. Here the clause after SO THAT answers HOW. He designed the chair so that each was laid out two feet apart. He aligned the paragraphs so that they kept adequate distance from one another. 3. So .... that = how much; to what extent. In this usage, SO come...