The Difference Between LABOR, WORK, and JOB.

What is the difference between a job, work, and labor?

the difference between a job, work, and labor.

As simple as they might sound, there is a subtle difference between them.

A job (countable) is a profession that a person undertakes for a living, such as a doctor, a teacher, etc.

Work (uncountable) is the collective set of responsibilities or activities that a person has to carry out in his or job. The work of a teacher, for example, includes teaching, conducting exams, keeping order in the class, etc.

Labor (uncountable) is the amount of physical effort a person needs to put into his or her work. A teacher needs to put in less labor, whereas a bricklayer a lot.

As a bonus, we usually call people who are in hard-labor jobs "laborers," whereas we call people with white-collar jobs rather "employees."


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