Never say cousin brother and sister; say instead male cousin and female cousin | Common Misusage of English

this is a photo of a few kids standing abreast looking at the sky on a prairie featured in a blog post on a grammar lesson
Is it correct to say cousin brother or cousin sister?

Is the usage of "cousin brother and cousin sister" correct in English?

Absolutely no! The term means something entirely different from what you have in mind to convey.

Many students from countries where English is taught as a second language use "cousin brother or cousin sister" to refer to their cousins. The problem is that the word "cousin" is a gender-neutral word.

Those words have a meaning of their own. If you say "cousin brother or cousin sister", it implies the infidelity of your parents.

Next question, what is the proper way to specify the gender of your cousin in the sentence?

The answer is that you can say "male cousin" and "female cousin."

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