Telling time and date together in a sentence in English | Learn English Grammar

Telling the time alone or the date alone could be easy; what if there are both? What would be the order of putting them? Today, we will look into that.

Suppose the event is "the prime minister will address the nation." Let us put the sentence together with different time and date frames.

this is a photo of a clock featured under a blog post on telling time and date together in a sentence

1. Year only: 2025

example: The prime minister will address the nation in 2025.

(Tips: if it is only year, use the preposition "in.")

2. Year and months: 2025, December

example: The prime minister will address the nation in December 2025.

3. Time only: 4:00 p.m.

Example: The prime minister will address the nation at 4:00 p.m.

4. Time and session of the day: 4:00 p.m., evening

Example: The prime minister will address the nation at 4:00 pm in the evening.

5. Day and session of the day: Monday, evening

Example: The prime minister will address the nation on Monday evening.

6. Day, session of the day, time: Monday, evening, 4:00 pm

Example: The prime minister will address the nation at 4:00 p.m. on Monday evening.

7. Year, month, day, session of the day, time: 2025, December, 10th, evening, 4:00 p.m.

Example: The prime minister will address the nation at 4:00 p.m. in the evening on December tenth, twenty twenty five.


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