Telling the time in English; How to ask the time & tell the time | Learn English in Contexts

Sometimes, we don't wear a watch. What if you need to know the time in such a situation? Well, there will be people around you whom you can ask for the time. Bow how will you ask? Don't sweat; this blog will teach you everything about asking and telling the time in English. All you need to do is just learn by heart one expression from the following and stick to it always.

this is a photo of clocks featured in a blog post on how to tell the time in English
Telling and asking the time in English

Common Expressions To Ask The Time In English

  • What time is it?
  • What is the time?
  • Do you have the time?
  • I don't have the time
  • I am not wearing a watch

Telling The Time In English

1. Reading in digits

Tell the time in digits just as you see it.

  • 4:25 - it is four twenty-five
  • 4:00 - it is four
  • 4:00 - it is four' o clock
  • 4:23 - it is four twenty-three
  • 4:07 - it is four o seven

2. Using terms like past, quarter, half

  • 4:15 - it is a quarter past four
  • 4:30 - it is half past four
  • 4:45 - it is a quarter to five
  • 4:10 - it is ten past four
  • 4:12 - it is twelve minutes past four
  • 4:40 - it is twenty to five

3. Military Time

  • 12:00 - at twelve hundred hours
  • 12:30 - at twelve hundred thirty hours
  • 12:48 - at twelve hundred forty-eight hours
  • 12: 09 - at twelve hundred o nine hours
  • 03:00 - at o three hundred hours
  • 00:00 - at zero hundred hours/ at twenty-four hundred hours
  • 00:01: at zero hundred o one hours
  • 00:13 -  at zero hundred thirteen hours

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