American VS British Versions of Spellings of English Words

When it comes to differences between American and British English, word spelling stands out. Many English words have distinct spellings in American and British English. Generally, American English favors simplicity and convenience in spelling, often omitting extra letters and opting for brevity.

american spelling vs british spelling of words
In this blog post, we'll explore key patterns and essential words highlighting the spelling differences between American and British English. This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look at the distinctions, offering the most extensive resource available online for American vs. British spelling.

The words out of the parentheses are American versions, and the words inside are the British versions.

O vs. OU _ American English drops the "U".

  • color (colour) 
  • neighbor (neighbour)
  • honor (honour)
  • candor (candour)
  • demeanor (demeanour)
  • favor (favour)
  • labor (labour)
  • flavor (flavour)
  • mold (mould)
  • humor (humour)
  • savor (savour)
  • valor (valour)
  • favorite (favourite)
  • behavior (behaviour)
  • rumor (rumour)
  • splendor (splendour)
  • odor (odour)
  • tumor (tumour)
  • vigor, vigorous (vigour, vigourous)
glamour is used more than glamor in the United States.

Single L vs. Double LL - American English often uses single "L" in verbs.

  • traveling, traveled, traveler (travelling, travelled, traveller)
  • counseling, counseled, counselor (counselling, counselled, counsellor)
  • canceling, canceled, cancelation/cancellation (cancelling, cancelled, cancellation)
  • modeling, modeled (modelling, modelled)
  • disheveled (dishevelled)
"Controlled" is correct in both varieties.

Double LL consistency - American English retains double "L" in some cases.

  • appall (appal
  • fulfill (fulfil)
  • skillful (skilful)
  • distill (distil)
  • instill (instil)
  • enroll (enrol)
  • enrollment (enrolment)

IZE vs. ISE endings - American English favors "IZE".

  • realize (realise)
  • analyze (analyse)
  • criticize (criticise)
  • colonize (colonise))

Unique spellings - American and British versions have distinct spellings.

  • gray (grey)
  • tire (tyre)
  • curb (kerb)
  • pajamas (pyjamas)
  • artifact (artefact)
  • cozy (cosy)
  • skeptical (sceptical)
  • plow (plough)
  • aluminum (aluminium)

Medical terminology: AE vs. E - American English simplifies to "E".

  • esthetic (aesthetic)
  • anemia (anaemia)
  • anesthesia (anaesthesia)
  • gynecologist (gynaecologist)
  • pediatrician (paediatrician)

Medical Terminology - EA/E vs OE

  • diarrhea (diarrhoea)
  • estrogen (oestrogen)

ER vs. RE order _ American English prefers "ER".

  • center (centre)
  • meter (metre)
  • fiber (fibre)
  • liter (litre)
  • kilometer (kilometre)

Simplified endings - American English omits extras.

  • donuts (doughnuts)
  • check (cheque)
  • program (programme)
  • dialog (dialogue)
  • analog (analogue)
  • catalog (catalogue)
  • jewelry (jewellery)
  • sulfur (sulphur)
  • mustache (moustache)
  • aging (ageing)
  • airplane (aeroplane)
  • maneuver (manoeuver)

S vs. C - American English favors "S."

  • defense (defence)
  • license (licence)
  • practice (practise)
  • pretense (pretence)
  • offense (offence)


Subtle ones

  • judgment (judgement)
  • specialty (speciality)


Ed vs. T verb endings - Americans go by the book

  • burned (burnt)
  • dreamed (dreamt)
  • learned (learnt)

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