Farming & Gardening Vocabulary

The vocabulary of a particular field can contain both nouns and verbs. However, it looks to be mostly about verbs and collocations since non-English-speaking people are well knowledgeable about the noun vocabulary of most fields.

This blog post will introduce you to all the important vocabulary of farming and gardening.

a photo of a garden

a farm
a garden
a field
an estate
an orchard
a nursery
a plantation

a plant
a seed
a tree
a sapling
a wine
the pip
a cultivar

the root
the branch
the leaf
the trunk
the bark
the flower
the fruit
the polen

the husk
the grain
the chaff
the hull
the husk

a crop
the harvest

to dig in the soil
to plant the seed/the sapling/the garden
to water the plant
to prepare the soil
to wet the soil
to furrow the land
to harrow the land
to hoe the land
to till the land
to plow the land
to sow the seeds
to fertilize the land
to reap the crop/the harvest
to grow a crop
to mow the land
to rake the leaves
to weed the crop
to cultivate the land
to harvest the crop/the land
to irritate the land
to thresh the crop
to shear the grass
to prune the plant
to trim the plant
to cut back the plant
to farm cattle/ farm the land
to mulch the plant/ mulch around the plant
to winnow the grain
to ridge up the land
to compost rotten fruit
to turn up the soil
to thresh the grain


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