Right phrases to describe your sea activities - Learn English Grammar

When it comes to describing activities related to the sea, such as going, sailing, or drowning, it can be challenging to use the correct phrases with proper article usage and prepositions. With numerous options to choose from, this blog post will guide you in selecting the right phrases when it comes to "ocean/sea water"
this is a photo of the ocean water featured in a grammar-related blog post on phrases related to sea and ocean

by sea
meaning: using the sea transportation.
They moves large quantities of commodities by sea.
at sea
meaning: to be on the ocean water, typically off the shore.
verbs fit to be paired: drown, sail, wander, travel
The refugees are still at sea
The wind raged uncontrollably at sea.
to sea
meaning: towards the open sea, typically used of those who are by birth associated. with seafaring or sea activities, such as fishing.
He went out to sea at the age of just 10.
verbs fit to be paired: go, sail
out to sea
meaning: the same as "to sea" above.
verbs fit to be paired: go, sail 

on the sea
meaning: on the surface of the sea water.
verbs fit to be paired: travel, go, sail
in the sea
meaning: 1. on the ocean water of the open-sea stretch . 2. within the ocean water 3. in near-the-shore ocean water where people go swimming.

in the open sea
meaning: 1. on the ocean water of the open-sea stretch .
into the sea
meaning: towards the open-sea stretch . 2. into the sea water
verbs fit to be paired: travel, go, sail
into the open sea
meaning: towards the open-sea stretch.
inside the sea
meaning: located inside the seawater.
by the sea
meaning: near the shore.
off the sea
meaning: away from the shore.
out of the sea
meaning: having emerged or obtained from the sea.

on the ocean
meaning: on the surface of the ocean water.
in the ocean
meaning: 1. in the near-the-shore ocean water where people go swimming. 2. located inside the ocean water.
into the ocean
meaning: towards the open-ocean stretch . 2. into the ocean water
into the open ocean
meaning: towards the open-ocean stretch.
inside the ocean
meaning:  located inside the ocean water.
by the ocean
meaning: near the shore

Commonly used phrases with "sea"

  • go into the sea
  • go into the open sea
  • go to sea
  • go out to sea
  • put out to sea/put to sea
  • follow the sea
  • take to the sea
  • make for the sea
  • sail the seas

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